Thursday, September 17, 2009


Benton Park
Price Range: Inexpensive

I finally decided to start taking pictures of what I order(imagine that). I'm actually asking myself if I really need to write a review for this one, because if I do I would be wasting my time. "Wasting my time" you say? We'll I could be using the time spent writing this review properly by getting in my car and driving over to Fritanga. This place is ridiculously good. To anyone who thinks Nicaraguan food is the same as Mexican I say to you "ah No". It actually had more in common with Nigerian food than Mexican. The cassava was just like the yam my moms used to make and man the have plantains! PLANTAINS! Those of you that know me know about my Nigerian heritage and if you didn't know, we love us some plantains. I wouldn't ever say I have had a plantain better than my mom makes(thats just ridiculous) but these plantains were just as good. The rice was also good but the pork was off the hook! I stole some of Sasha's chicken as well as Rob's steak/beef and both of them were just as good, and they had PLANTAINS! I should also say that it is a very small restaurant so if you have more than 3 or 4 people you need to call ahead. What else can I say? This place is legit

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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